How well do you sleep?

  • Do you have difficulty falling asleep? Worry about the clock ticking down to your alarm?
  • Do you regularly wake up feeling tired and unrefreshed? 
  • Do you end up making poor decisions or having minor accidents because you're tired?

Here's how to get your sleep back on track!

steps to successful
sleep self-care

In my acupuncture clinic, I help clients with a very wide range of health conditions, from frozen shoulder, to migraines, to anxiety, to mention just a few. One question that I ask all of them is “how well do you sleep?” Better sleep not only helps aid recovery from all health conditions but also enables us to make better decisions in all areas of our life. 

Not everyone can afford regular acupuncture in today’s economy, some people are scared of needles, some cannot travel to my clinic. In this training course I’m sharing a bunch of tips that I give to my face-to-face clients, that you can implement at home, as part of your self-care routine.

The different types of sleep problems

Causes of sleep problem as viewed by Western Medicine and also by Traditional Chinese Medicine (which underpins my acupuncture practice)

Which lifestyle changes address which types of sleep problems

Breathing exercises and how they work

What diet changes you can make (beyond simply cutting down caffeine)

Alternatives to meditation if you think meditation isn’t for you

Why the physical location of your exercise matters

Why small changes applied consistently work best

Sleep Tracker

A printable tracker to help you monitor the changes so you can see which tips work best for you

Sleep Hygiene Checklist

A printable sleep hygiene checklist so you know you have an optimal sleep environment

Breathwork exercise

An audio download of a breathing exercise to use when you're having difficulty getting to sleep

Is this course a good fit for you?

  • It will help you if you are willing and prepared to make some changes to your lifestyle eg. changes to exercise or diet (but these don’t have to be big changes and you choose which to try and when).
  • It will help you if you are ready to maintain the routine change daily for 7-10 days so that you can determine whether it works for you or not.
  • It will help you if struggle to get to sleep or stay asleep. It won’t help you greatly if you cannot sleep due to a pain condition that keeps you awake (though it may still help a little). The pain condition will still need separate treatment.


As a degree qualified acupuncturist, I trained for 3 years learning the specifics of acupuncture. I was also taught about the lifestyle changes to recommend to clients that would work with their treatment, leading to quicker results. 

During the last 4 years of running my own acupuncture clinic I’ve discussed sleep tips with almost every client I've seen. I've observed  that those clients who make the changes, have had better or quicker results than those who don’t. 

Refund Policy 

If you feel that you haven’t learned anything new, then let me know within one week and I’ll refund you in full.


The live training has now ended and so you will be given access to the replay and the downloadable files (tracker, checklist and audio).

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xSteps to successful sleep self-care$77

All prices in USD